Friday, 21 September 2012

How to choose best international school?

It is true to say that choosing the best school for your child is all about finding the school which offers the best fit for their needs. While every school is unique, making comparisons between schools can be difficult.
Big international schools are not always superior and the quality of teaching and learning is not always amplified. However, in today’s world it is fashionable to pay high prices for schooling under the long term assumption that the needs of a child will be met through large scale commercialized education.
So should parents choose a school based on the size of a sports field or on the activities that happen on the field? For some parents – the size of the building is more important than what is actually happening inside its closed doors or on its manicured sports fields.

Some schools market their facilities in the same way unprincipled carpet sellers ply their wares under the concept of ‘forget the quality feel the width’!  Just because a school has 10 science rooms and 100 classrooms does not mean that they are all in use or if they are, that each classroom is not overcrowded.
Clearly parents can, and often do, pay top dollar for fashionable education but it is not always a perfect fit nor do they get the personal attention and consistency that some of the smaller schools offer.
Most parents assume incorrectly that the bigger schools are in existence for a positive reason – and that it must be because of teaching style or maybe the school is progressive or there are some special courses.  It is possible, however, that this is because bigger schools are owned corporations keen on cutting costs and making money.

Like most mothers, mine taught me that, when purchasing any item, it is important to take a closer look before buying - test out the waters before you jump in and don’t pay over the odds just for a name.
Your children are the most valuable gift you have been entrusted with, so time should be spent ensuring that the school you are placing them with is both accountable for their wellbeing and safety as well as responsible for their education and future development.
Possibly parents should be looking for more than a pretty campus and tennis courts or being told that a school is the best but without exploring the schools core.

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